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All 5 regions in Malaysia, according to April weather, are experiencing the tourist season.
The lowest day temperature in April in Malaysia can be found in Sarawak, where the value of day temperature is 31 °C (88 °F). The highest value of the day temperature in April in Malaysia can be seen in Malaysia - Northwest coast with a value of 33 °C (91 °F).
In April in Malaysia - the region with the lowest night temperature is Sarawak. The value in this region is 23 °C (73 °F). The night temperature in Malaysia in April is the highest in Sabah - its value is 24 °C (75 °F).
The sea temperature in April in Malaysia is the lowest in Sabah - its value is 29 °C (84 °F). The sea temperature in Malaysia in April is the highest in Malaysia - Northwest coast - its value is 30 °C (86 °F).
The lowest number of rainy days in Malaysia in April can be found in Malaysia - East coast, where the value of number of rainy days is 10 days. The highest value of the number of rainy days in April in Malaysia can be seen in Sarawak with a value of 19 days.
The rainfall amount in April in Malaysia is the lowest in Malaysia - East coast - its value is 94 mm (3.69 in). The rainfall amount in April in Malaysia is the highest in Sarawak - its value is 272 mm (10.70 in).
The lowest wind speed in Malaysia in April can be found in South Malaysia, where the value of wind speed is 2. The highest wind speed in April in Malaysia can be found in Malaysia - East coast, where the value of wind speed is 2.
The lowest value of the humidity in Malaysia in April can be seen in Malaysia - East coast with a value of 81 %. In April in Malaysia - the region with the highest humidity is Sarawak. The value in this region is 84 %.
The lowest number of sun hours (without clouds) in Malaysia in April can be found in Sarawak, where the value of number of sun hours (without clouds) is 6 hours. The number of sun hours (without clouds) in Malaysia in April is the highest in Malaysia - East coast - its value is 8 hours.
The lowest clear sky percentage in April in Malaysia can be found in Sarawak, where the value of clear sky percentage is 47 %. The highest clear sky percentage in April in Malaysia can be found in Malaysia - East coast, where the value of clear sky percentage is 65 %.
The day length in Malaysia in April is the lowest in Sarawak - its value is 12 hours. The highest day length in Malaysia in April can be found in Malaysia - East coast, where the value of day length is 12 hours.