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    Benin City weather and climate in 2024



    30 °C



    22 °C



    27 °C



    228 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    14 days

    in month



    12 hours




    5 hours




    85 %



    30 °C



    22 °C



    27 °C



    228 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    14 days

    in month



    12 hours




    5 hours




    85 %

    Overview: Benin City
    Benin City, nestled in the heart of Nigeria, is characterized by a tropical wet and dry climate. Its highest day temperature reaches a sweltering 34 °C (93 °F) in February, cooling slightly to an average high of 28 °C (83 °F) in August. With a lush rainy season from April to October, the city experiences significant rainfall, peaking in July with an impressive 275 mm (10.81 in). Conversely, the driest months are from November to January, where January sees a meager 13 mm (0.51 in) of precipitation. Humidity levels in Benin City can be quite high, typically hovering around 85 % during the wet season.

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    Weather overview for Benin City

    Weather overview

    Benin City, nestled in the heart of Nigeria, is characterized by a tropical wet and dry climate. Its highest day temperature reaches a sweltering 34 °C (93 °F) in February, cooling slightly to an average high of 28 °C (83 °F) in August. With a lush rainy season from April to October, the city experiences significant rainfall, peaking in July with an impressive 275 mm (10.81 in). Conversely, the driest months are from November to January, where January sees a meager 13 mm (0.51 in) of precipitation. Humidity levels in Benin City can be quite high, typically hovering around 85 % during the wet season.

    January weather

    January in Benin City boasts a hot climate with a high temperature of 32 °C (90 °F). Rainfall is at its lowest, making it one of the driest months, with an average precipitation of 13 mm (0.51 in) and just over one and a half wet days.

    February weather

    As February arrives, temperatures in Benin City climb to their yearly peak with an average daytime high of 34 °C (93 °F). The wet days are few, marked by 2 days of rain this month.

    March weather

    March in Benin City continues to stay warm with the average high temperatures slightly dipping to 34 °C (93 °F). The number of wet days begins to increase, marking the approach of the rainy season with about 6 of rainfall.

    April weather

    April sees the true onset of the rainy season, as precipitation levels reach 149 mm (5.88 in). Daytime temperatures still average a warm 33 °C (91 °F) but the increase in rainfall to around 9 days signals a shift in the season.

    May weather

    The month of May in Benin City delivers more rainfall with 199 mm (7.82 in) spread over a staggering 12. Cooler than the previous months, the average daytime temperature drops to 32 °C (89 °F).

    June weather

    The weather in June is characterized by a high level of precipitation with 255 mm (10.05 in). The maximum day temperatures start cooling to a more manageable 30 °C (86 °F) as the city is deep within the rainy season.

    July weather

    July brings the apex of the rainy season to Benin City, the city drenched in 275 mm (10.81 in) rainfall over nearly 15. The daytime temperature dips to 29 °C (83 °F) as the city experiences its wettest month.

    August weather

    In August, Benin City's average high temperature is at its lowest 28 °C (83 °F), still pleasant for those accustomed to tropical climates. The rain begins to lessen slightly with about 14 of precipitation.

    September weather

    September in Benin City sees the persistence of the rainy season, but with a gradual shift towards drier days. The average day temperature increases slightly to 29 °C (84 °F) amid the continued rainfall.

    October weather

    With the arrival of October, rain remains a frequent occurrence with around 14 of wet weather. Benin City starts to witness the retreat of the rainy season, as daytime temperatures begin to rise again, reaching 30 °C (87 °F).

    November weather

    In November, Benin City transitions into drier conditions with only 5 of rain and a significantly lower precipitation of 60 mm (2.36 in). The day temperatures rise considerably to an average of 32 °C (90 °F).

    December weather

    December sees a continuation of the dry trend with day temperatures holding steady at 33 °C (92 °F). Precipitation is minimal, with just over one wet day, making it one of the sunnier months.


    How often does it rain in Benin City in January?

    Rain in Benin City during January is infrequent, with the region experiencing approximately 1 day of rainfall throughout the month.

    What is the maximum daytime temperature in Benin City in February?

    February is typically the hottest month in Benin City, with maximum daytime temperatures soaring to an average high of 34 °C (93 °F).

    What's the weather typically like in March in Benin City?

    March weather in Benin City is characteristically hot and transitioning towards more frequent rains with temperatures still hovering around a warm 34 °C (93 °F).

    How many days of rainfall can be expected in April in Benin City?

    In April, residents and visitors can expect an uptick in rainfall with approximately 9 days of the month seeing some level of precipitation.

    Is May much cooler than April in Benin City?

    The daytime temperature in May sees a slight drop compared to April, with an average high of 32 °C (89 °F), bringing a small but noticeable dip in heat.

    What temperatures can visitors expect during the day in June in Benin City?

    Visitors in June can prepare for daytime highs around 30 °C (86 °F), a little cooler than the scorching temperatures of the early year.

    What is the average rainfall in Benin City in July?

    With an impressive monthly average of 275 mm (10.81 in), July in Benin City is the time when umbrellas and raincoats become daily necessities.

    Does August in Benin City experience a retreat from rainfall?

    While still part of the rainy season, August does see a slight reduction in overall rainfall for Benin City compared to the peak of the season in July.

    Is September still part of the rainy season in Benin City?

    Yes, September remains within the rainy season in Benin City, with rainfall not quite relinquishing its grip on the city.

    As the rainy season tapers, how does the weather in Benin City change during October?

    The tapering of the rainy season sees a return to warmer days, with average high temperatures climbing back up towards 30 °C (87 °F) with a noticeable reduction in rainfall in Benin City in October.

    What is the average daily high temperature in Benin City in November?

    As rainy days grow scarce, November sees a resurgence of warmer weather with daily high temperatures averaging 32 °C (90 °F) in Benin City.

    How much does it rain in December in Benin City?

    December offers a respite from the rain, with Benin City seeing an average of just 1 day of rainfall during the month.

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