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    Port Harcourt weather and climate in 2024



    30 °C



    23 °C



    27 °C



    303 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    17 days

    in month



    12 hours




    3 hours




    86 %



    30 °C



    23 °C



    27 °C



    303 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    17 days

    in month



    12 hours




    3 hours




    86 %

    Overview: Port Harcourt
    Port Harcourt's tropical climate is characterized by high temperatures year-round, reaching up to 33 °C (92 °F) in February, while the wettest months see up to 20 days of rain. The sweltering heat is often tempered by winds of average speed 3 m/s during March. The overall humidity is quite high, making the air feel sticky at times, especially from May to September. As for seawater, Port Harcourt does not offer that luxury, but one will certainly not miss a cool dip given the city's generous showers.

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    Weather overview for Port Harcourt

    Weather overview

    Port Harcourt's tropical climate is characterized by high temperatures year-round, reaching up to 33 °C (92 °F) in February, while the wettest months see up to 20 days of rain. The sweltering heat is often tempered by winds of average speed 3 m/s during March. The overall humidity is quite high, making the air feel sticky at times, especially from May to September. As for seawater, Port Harcourt does not offer that luxury, but one will certainly not miss a cool dip given the city's generous showers.

    January weather

    January in Port Harcourt brings warmth with average daytime temperatures around 32 °C (90 °F) and minimal rainfall. The night cools down to about 22 °C (72 °F), while the dry season is in full swing.

    February weather

    February sees a slight increase in both humidity and temperature, daytime clambering to around 33 °C (92 °F). The rainy days are still few, averaging about 4 days.

    March weather

    As March rolls in, so do the winds, blowing at 3 m/s, and mitigating the heat slightly. The temperature still stands high, an average daytime high of 33 °C (91 °F), while the rainy days start to pick up to about 9 days.

    April weather

    April witnesses warm nights with 24 °C (74 °F) and the commencement of increased wet days, tallying up to 11 days. The daytime temperature hovers around 33 °C (91 °F).

    May weather

    May features rising humidity with 85 % and a substantial number of rainy days reaching 14 days. The day enjoys a moderate 32 °C (89 °F), indicative of the wetter months ahead.

    June weather

    June is when the rain really takes main stage, averaging 16 days of wet days. The air is moist and sticky with a high of 85 % humidity, while temperatures stabilize at around 31 °C (87 °F).

    July weather

    July has the least sun, with a meager 20 avg hours of sunshine, as the wet season peaks with 19 days of rainfall. The average daytime temperature dips slightly to a cooler 29 °C (85 °F).

    August weather

    August maintains a substantial amount of rainfall, tallying 20 days and humidity clinging at 86 %. The temperature remains relatively stable 29 °C (84 °F) during the day.

    September weather

    The wetness continues in September, though the number of rainfall days slightly decreases to 20 days. Days remain warm, at an average high of 30 °C (86 °F).

    October weather

    By October, there's a gradual decrease in precipitation but still a high count of 17 days. Daily highs hover around 30 °C (87 °F) as the rainy season begins to wane.

    November weather

    November marks the end of the rainy season with an average daytime temperature of 31 °C (88 °F) and a notable decrease in rainy days to 8 days.

    December weather

    December welcomes the warm dry season fully, with an average of 32 °C (89 °F) during the day and reducing humidity levels at 80 %.


    How comfortable is it to explore Port Harcourt in January in terms of temperature?

    With a daily high around 32 °C (90 °F), January in Port Harcourt is hot, but still pleasant for outdoor activities, just remember to pack light clothing and stay hydrated.

    Is the weather in Port Harcourt in February good for outdoor activities?

    Yes, despite being one of the hottest months with an average high of 33 °C (92 °F), February's limited rainfall makes it suitable for outdoor activities; just plan for the heat.

    Is it getting too hot in Port Harcourt by March?

    March remains hot with daily highs of 33 °C (91 °F), it's still bearable but consider lighter wear and venture out prepared with water and sun protection.

    How does the onset of the wet season affect temperatures in April in Port Harcourt?

    April's heat in Port Harcourt, averaging 33 °C (91 °F), is compounded by the start of the wet season; this means warm air, damp conditions but still hot.

    How does increased rainfall in May affect daily life in Port Harcourt?

    With frequent showers and high humidity affecting Port Harcourt in May, it's wise to plan for slower traffic, potential delays, and always have an umbrella at hand.

    How intense are the rains in Port Harcourt in June?

    June's rains are intense and frequent, dominating the city with a total of 374 mm (14.71 in) rainfall; expect heavy downpours often disrupting daily activities.

    Is July the coolest month in Port Harcourt due to the rains?

    While not exactly cool, July's average daytime temperature of 29 °C (85 °F) is a mild respite amid the torrential rains that define this time of year.

    Does the high humidity in August make Port Harcourt feel much hotter?

    The combination of high humidity 86 % and persistent rains can make August feel hotter than the 29 °C (84 °F) suggests, affecting comfort levels outdoors.

    Does the weather start to improve in Port Harcourt during September?

    September sees only a subtle improvement in weather, with temperatures still warm at 30 °C (86 °F) and high chances of rain.

    Is it less rainy in Port Harcourt during October?

    October sees a slight reduction in rainfall compared to the peak wet months, with a drop to 17 days, signalling the end of the wet season.

    Does November see a return to the dry season in Port Harcourt?

    Yes, November in Port Harcourt marks the return to drier conditions with warmer days averaging 31 °C (88 °F) and significantly fewer wet days.

    How warm does it get in Port Harcourt during the day in December?

    December days can get quite warm with average highs of 32 °C (89 °F), yet it is more comfortable than the wet season months due to lower humidity.

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