5 °C
-2 °C
2 °C
50 mm
in month
Rainy days
11 days
in month
7 hours
1 hours
93 %
In Arhus in January, the average air temperature ranges from 5 °C (41 °F) during the day to -2 °C (29 °F) at night. There are 11 days of rain on average, where the rainfall is 50 mm (1.97 in).
In January there are not good conditions to visit Arhus. A relatively low temperature of 5 °C (41 °F) may be ideal for walking or outdoor activities, but some people may have a different idea of the holiday. The night temperature of -2 °C (29 °F) is not inviting for evening and night activities except for visiting a bar and having beer or two.
In January in Arhus, the average daily temperatures will be 5 °C (41 °F). Be sure to pack warm clothes, including a jacket and a warm sweater. On some days it may occasionally freeze, but with stronger winds, the feeling of cold may increase.
No, there is no wet season in January in Arhus - you can expect 11 days of rain during the month.
In January in Arhus, we can expect 11 days to be rainy, that is, days when precipitation exceeds 2 mm (0.08 in). Converted to days of the week, this means that it will occur on an average of 2.6 days of the week, or in general - 38 % days.
In Arhus in January, there is 50 mm (1.97 in) rainfall, which means on average 2 mm (0.07 in) rainfall per day.
There is an average length of sunshine of 1 hour per day in January in Arhus.
The length of daylight in Arhus in January is 7 hours.
It is possible that it will be freezing in January in Arhus, night temperatures will be -2 °C (29 °F) on average.
No, January is not a dry month in Arhus, expect rain approximately 11 days in a month.
An average wind scale that can be expected in January in Arhus is 7. It is rather a stronger wind, which lowers the sensible temperature and cools down.
Humidity in Arhus in January is 93 %. This humidity is rather above average, but except for sensitive individuals, it should not be a problem.
Yes, Arhus is a rainier January than in February.