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Marche (Italy) in general has a mild climate. Temperatures during the day are in the range from 9 °C (48 °F) in January to 29 °C (84 °F) in July. Temperatures during the night go from 3 °C (37 °F) in February to 19 °C (67 °F) in July. The least rainy month in Marche is July with its 5 days of rain, the rainiest month is November, when it rains 11 days. The highest sea temperatures in Marche are in August with 25 °C (77 °F) and the lowest in March with 12 °C (53 °F).
The best time to visit Marche is between July and August. During this period, temperatures are between 28 °C (83 °F) - 29 °C (84 °F), night temperatures are between 19 °C (66 °F) - 19 °C (67 °F), rainfall averages 5 days per month, and 10 hours of sunlight on average. The sea temperature at this time of the year is around 24 °C (76 °F) - 25 °C (77 °F). For non-beach activities, such as sightseeing, hiking in nature, the best time to visit is July - August.
The highest sea temperatures in Marche could be expected between July - August. During these months the sea temperature reaches 24 °C (76 °F) - 25 °C (77 °F).
The hottest month in Marche is July with a temperature of 29 °C (84 °F). The period with the highest daytime temperatures is in Marche during July - August. The temperatures range at this time between 28 °C (83 °F) - 29 °C (84 °F).
Marche belongs to destinations with lower humidity. It ranges from 68 % to 81 %. The most humid months are October - January and the least humid are May - August.
The time, when it's dry in Marche is between July - August. In this period it is raining on average 5 days and approximately 48 mm (1.88 in) precipitation falls per month, which are values below average.
The highest night temperatures in Marche occur in the months of June - August. During this time the night temperatures are between 17 °C (62 °F) - 19 °C (67 °F).
The period, which is the sunniest in Marche, is in the months of June - August, when there is an average of 9 sun hours per day.
Yes, it can freeze at night in Marche during these months: January - February, but the frosts can also be very rare or may not happen at all.
Marche is a destination with rather light or moderate winds.
The least cloudy months in Marche are July - September, when the cloud cover is on average only 34 %.