19 °C
8 °C
13 °C
70 mm
in month
Rainy days
10 days
in month
13 hours
5 hours
71 %
The average temperature for the week of 3 March 2025 - 9 March 2025 was 17 °C (63 °F) during the day and 4 °C (39 °F) during the night. Both the daily and night temperatures in Padova are above the long-term average, which is around 12 °C (54 °F) and 3 °C (37 °F) respectively. The average temperatures during different times of day (local time) were following: 7am 4 °C (39 °F), 10am 12 °C (54 °F), 1pm 16 °C (61 °F), 4pm 17 °C (63 °F), 7pm 12 °C (54 °F), 10pm 8 °C (46 °F).
During this week: 6 days without rain and 1 day with light rain were observed. The total precipitation for the week in Padova was 2 mm (0.08 in), which is below the area's average of 12 mm (0.47 in). The average cloud coverage during the daytime (from dawn to dusk) was 14 %.
Average speed of wind was 1.0 m/s. The atmosferic pressure ranged from 1010 hpa to 1030 hpa. The air in Padova had an average humidity of 65 %.
During the daytime (from dawn to dusk), there were in average: 10 hours clear skies, 1 hour partially overcast skies and 1 hour overcast skies. Average time of sunrise was 06:41, average time of sunset was 18:05.
The charming city of Padova, located in Italy, boasts a moderately continental climate characterized by seasonal weather patterns. Throughout the year, the temperature during daylight hours fluctuates significantly, ranging from about 5.70 degrees Celsius in the chilly January to a toasty 30.70 degrees Celsius in peak July. Conversely, nighttime temperatures can drop to freezing in January, while July evenings remain quite balmy at around 19.30 degrees Celsius. The weather in Padova is generally dry in January with fewer rainy days, while May experiences the peak of its precipitation with the highest average of rainy days for the year.
January, the coldest month in Padova, features the lowest day and night temperatures, reaching down to 0.00 degrees Celsius at night. Fewer rainy days are expected, around 5.87 for the month, while the rainfall amount is on a downward trend at 46.57 millimeters. The count of sunlit hours begins to increase incrementally, averaging about 2.34 hours each day.
February witnesses a gentle increase in both day and night temperatures in Padova. This month also presents the year's lowest rainfall levels. The appearance of longer days with more sunshine is noticeable, receiving an average of 3.83 hours of clear skies.
Rising temperatures continue their trend in March, with daylight warmth reaching 13.80 degrees Celsius in Padova, and nighttime temperatures averaging 4.30 degrees Celsius. March heralds the arrival of increased precipitation and rainy days, as well as an expansion in the duration of undisturbed sunshine to approximately 4.59 hours daily.
With the onset of April, we see a consecutive rise in day and night temperatures in Padova. The early tourist season starts to bloom thanks to the improving weather. Concurrently, there's a noticeable uptick in both the number of rainy days, reaching close to 9.95 days, and the volume of rainfall, totaling around 69.87 millimeters for the month.
May demonstrates a continuous climb in day and night temperatures in Padova, aligning with the sustained tourist season. This period also records the peak number of rainy days at approximately 10.50 days, and the quantity of rainfall increases to 78.20 millimeters.
June in Padova signifies a further escalation in both day and night temperatures, with the apex of rainfall amount also being discernible. The increment in sunlit hours without cloud obstruction is akin to the previous month, culminating in an average of 8.09 hours daily.
July in Padova is highlighted by the impending surge of tourists and the observed maximum temperatures during both the day and night. The decrease in rainfall amount begins to become apparent, at around 62.85 millimeters. As for sunlit hours, July reaches the year's peak, basking the city in sunshine.
As August arrives, a slight decrease in both day and night temperatures can be observed in Padova. This month also marks the beginning of an upturn in rainfall amounts, estimated at 69.18 millimeters, while the tourist season continues in full swing. Sunshine hours begin a slight decline, with a recorded average of 8.71 hours per day.
September in Padova maintains a downward trajectory for day temperatures, averaging 25.20 degrees Celsius, while nights cool down to about 14.20 degrees Celsius. The tourist season has yet to wind down. The city experiences fewer sunlit hours, dropping to an average of 6.25 hours per day.
In October, Padova sees a continuation of the declining day temperatures along with nighttime temperatures, averaging around 10.00 degrees Celsius. The ascent in rainfall amount marks the start of a wetter season. The average number of sunlit hours without clouds further diminishes to 4.32 hours daily.
As November sets in, the daytime temperatures in Padova continue on a downward trend, with a median value around 12.00 degrees Celsius, whereas nighttime temperatures fall further to approximately 4.60 degrees Celsius. The decline in the average number of sunlit hours can be noted, reducing to about 2.76 hours each day.
December sees Padova enduring a continuous drop in daytime temperatures, settling near 7.00 degrees Celsius, and the chill extends into the nights, averaging 0.80 degrees Celsius. There's a downturn in both the number of rainy days and rainfall amount. The least amount of sunshine is received in December, average sunshine hours precipitating to around 1.81 hours daily.
January in Padova typically has a high relative humidity, hovering around 80.20%.
No, February in Padova isn't categorized as dry, with the region seeing rain for an average of 6.36 days each month.
One can observe the beginning of an upward trend in precipitation during March in Padova, measured at 55.01 millimeters.
April nights in Padova are relatively cool, with temperatures averaging at 8.00 degrees Celsius, suggesting the need for additional layers during nocturnal excursions.
During May in Padova, expect rain on an estimated 10.50 days. This translates to experiencing precipitation on roughly 35.01% of the days in the month.
June in Padova promises a balance of warmth and comfort, with temperatures not veering into excessively hot territory.
Expect the daytime mercury in Padova during July to hover around a balmy 30.70 degrees Celsius, ideal for beachgoers and sun worshippers.
August typically falls outside of Padova's wet season, with an expected 7.65 days of rain throughout the month.
September's weather in Padova is typically pleasant with moderate temperatures, and only a few scattered rainy days, making it a prime time for visitors.
Sea temperatures in the vicinity of Padova in October tend to reach up to 18.90 degrees Celsius, which might be less inviting for long swims.
Although November in Padova exhibits an average wind speed on the lower end, a gentle breeze can be expected.
Residents and visitors in Padova can expect an average of approximately 1.81 hours of sunshine per day in December.