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According to April weather statistics, 2 of 4 regions of Portugal have the tourist season. These regions are Madeira, Central Portugal.
The lowest value of the day temperature in April in Portugal can be seen in Azores with a value of 16 °C (61 °F). The day temperature in Portugal in April is the highest in Algarve - its value is 20 °C (68 °F).
The lowest night temperature in April in Portugal can be found in Azores, where the value of night temperature is 11 °C (51 °F). The highest value of the night temperature in April in Portugal can be seen in Madeira with a value of 13 °C (55 °F).
The lowest value of the sea temperature in Portugal in April can be seen in Central Portugal with a value of 15 °C (59 °F). The highest value of the sea temperature in Portugal in April can be seen in Madeira with a value of 18 °C (65 °F).
The lowest number of rainy days in Portugal in April can be found in Madeira, where the value of number of rainy days is 6 days. The number of rainy days in April in Portugal is the highest in Azores - its value is 11 days.
The lowest value of the rainfall amount in Portugal in April can be seen in Algarve with a value of 43 mm (1.68 in). The highest rainfall amount in Portugal in April can be found in Azores, where the value of rainfall amount is 101 mm (3.98 in).
The lowest value of the wind speed in April in Portugal can be seen in Central Portugal with a value of 4. The highest value of the wind speed in Portugal in April can be seen in Madeira with a value of 5.
The lowest humidity in Portugal in April can be found in Algarve, where the value of humidity is 69 %. The highest value of the humidity in April in Portugal can be seen in Azores with a value of 78 %.
The number of sun hours (without clouds) in April in Portugal is the lowest in Azores - its value is 5 hours. The number of sun hours (without clouds) in April in Portugal is the highest in Algarve - its value is 8 hours.
The lowest value of the clear sky percentage in April in Portugal can be seen in Azores with a value of 37 %. The highest clear sky percentage in April in Portugal can be found in Algarve, where the value of clear sky percentage is 62 %.
The lowest day length in Portugal in April can be found in Madeira, where the value of day length is 13 hours. The highest day length in Portugal in April can be found in Central Portugal, where the value of day length is 13 hours.