Ukraine weather in September
18 °C
9 °C
57 mm
in month
Rainy days
10 days
in month
12 hours
6 hours
77 %
Weather charts for Ukraine
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Weather overview and FAQs
Weather overview
In September in Ukraine, the average air temperature ranges from 18.2 °C (64.8 °F) during the day to 9.0 °C (48.1 °F) at night. There are 10 days of rain on average, where the rainfall is 57 mm (2.23 in).
What temperature can I expect during the day in Ukraine in September?
In Ukraine in September, the average daily temperatures will be 18.2 °C (64.8 °F). Nice temperature for walking around the city or on the beach, but you will probably get cold soon when wearing a swimsuit. When walking around all day, people used to cold conditions, pull out their shorts and get rid of their sweaters. On some days, when spending time in the direct sun, sunscreen can be useful, especially for people with more sensitive skin.
What is the rainfall intensity in September in Ukraine?
There is precipitation of 57 mm (2.23 in) in September in Ukraine, which means 2 mm (0.07 in) rainfall per day on average.
How many days of precipitation on average can I expect in September in Ukraine?
There are 10 days, which are rainy in September in Ukraine, that is, days with precipitation more than 2 mm (0.08 in). Converted to days of the week, this means that it will occur on an average of 2.2 days of the week, or in general - 32 % days.
What is the air temperature in Ukraine in September at night?
The average night temperature in Ukraine in September is 9.0 °C (48.1 °F). The nights will be cool, layers of clothes will be needed for evening and morning walks, the hotel should be equipped with heating. In absolute terms, the decrease compared to the last month is 4.4 °C (39.8 °F).
Is September part of the dry season in Ukraine?
No, September is not a dry month in Ukraine, expect rain approximately 10 days in a month.
What is the humidity in September in Ukraine?
In September in Ukraine, expect humidity around 77 %.
How many sunny hours can I expect in September in Ukraine?
There is an average length of sunshine of 6 hours per day in September in Ukraine.
How long is the day (from dawn till dusk) in Ukraine in September?
The length of daylight in Ukraine in September is 12 hours.
Is the weather in Ukraine warmer in September than in August?
No, in September in Ukraine the temperature is not higher than in August.
How windy is it in September in Ukraine?
An average wind scale that can be expected in Ukraine in September is 2.2. It is rather a milder or unnoticeable wind, therefore it will not bother you during your holiday.
Is the temperature rising or falling in the course of time in September in Ukraine?
During September in Ukraine, the day temperatures are decreasing - from 21.1 °C (69.9 °F) at the beginning of the month to 15.3 °C (59.5 °F) at the end of the month.