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There is just one region in August in Canada experiencing the dry season and this is British Columbia - Coast. All 5 regions in Canada, according to August weather, are experiencing the tourist season.
The day temperature in Canada in August is the lowest in Alberta - its value is 22 °C (72 °F). The day temperature in Canada in August is the highest in British Columbia - Mountains - its value is 27 °C (81 °F).
The night temperature in August in Canada is the lowest in Alberta - its value is 6 °C (44 °F). The night temperature in August in Canada is the highest in Ontario - its value is 15 °C (60 °F).
The number of rainy days in August in Canada is the lowest in British Columbia - Coast - its value is 7 days. The highest value of the number of rainy days in August in Canada can be seen in Quebec with a value of 12 days.
The lowest rainfall amount in August in Canada can be found in British Columbia - Mountains, where the value of rainfall amount is 25 mm (1.00 in). The highest value of the rainfall amount in August in Canada can be seen in Quebec with a value of 102 mm (4.02 in).
In Canada in August - the region with the lowest wind speed is British Columbia - Mountains. The value in this region is 2. The wind speed in Canada in August is the highest in Ontario - its value is 3.
The lowest value of the humidity in August in Canada can be seen in British Columbia - Mountains with a value of 56 %. The humidity in Canada in August is the highest in Quebec - its value is 75 %.
The lowest number of sun hours (without clouds) in Canada in August can be found in Quebec, where the value of number of sun hours (without clouds) is 7 hours. The highest number of sun hours (without clouds) in August in Canada can be found in British Columbia - Mountains, where the value of number of sun hours (without clouds) is 9 hours.
The lowest value of the clear sky percentage in August in Canada can be seen in Quebec with a value of 51 %. In Canada in August - the region with the highest clear sky percentage is British Columbia - Mountains. The value in this region is 61 %.
The day length in August in Canada is the lowest in Ontario - its value is 14 hours. The highest day length in August in Canada can be found in Alberta, where the value of day length is 14 hours.