Embark on a breathtaking journey along California's stunning West Coast, where natural beauty and coastal charm collide. Discover the captivating coastal towns of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Pismo Beach, each offering a unique blend of picturesque landscapes and vibrant communities. Immerse yourself in the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium, ride the iconic Giant Dipper roller coaster in Santa Cruz, and unwind on the pristine sandy shores of Pismo Beach. Whether you seek outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or simply a relaxing beach getaway, California's West Coast is a true haven for every traveler.
California - West coast (United States of America) in general has a hot climate. Temperatures during the day are in the range from 16 °C (61 °F) in January to 23 °C (73 °F) in September. Temperatures during the night go from 6 °C (42 °F) in December to 12 °C (54 °F) in August. The driest month is July with just 0 days of rain, on the contrary, the month when it rains the most is February with 9 days of rain. The highest sea temperatures in California - West coast are in September with 15 °C (59 °F) and the lowest in April with 12 °C (54 °F).
The best time to visit California - West coast is between August and September. In this period day temperatures range from 22 °C (71 °F) to 23 °C (73 °F), night temperatures from 12 °C (53 °F) to 12 °C (54 °F) and you can expect on average 1 day of rain per month and 9 of sunshine on average per day. The sea temperature at this time of the year is around 15 °C (58 °F) - 15 °C (59 °F). For non-beach activities, such as sightseeing, hiking in nature, the best time to visit is May - October.
The time, when it's dry in California - West coast is between May - October. In this period it is raining on average 1 day and approximately 10 mm (0.40 in) precipitation falls per month, which are values below average.
California - West coast enjoys daily temperatures in the range of 16 °C (61 °F) - 23 °C (73 °F) during the year.
Night temperatures in California - West coast range between 6 °C (42 °F) and 12 °C (54 °F) throughout the year.
The period, which is the sunniest in California - West coast, is in the months of April - August, when there is an average of 10 sun hours per day.
The least cloudy months in California - West coast are March - June, when the cloud cover is on average only 24 %.
No, you are unlikely to experience frosts in California - West coast.
California - West coast belongs to destinations with lower humidity. It ranges from 71 % to 77 %.
California - West coast is a destination with rather light or moderate winds.